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Edge Program

“I have not failed.  I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 

Thomas Edison
“Edge Program”
  • Edge will challenge your beliefs and have you questioning your current procedures with your Product Support Departments.

  • We work with you and your team on your challenges and your procedures to enhance opportunities and profitability.

  • We teach based off of experience, not just theories.

We believe so strongly in our program, that we have a money back guarantee.  If we cannot improve your gross margin dollars by more than 200% of our fee, we will refund 100% of our fee. 

What is “Edge”
  • Specialized Dealership Product Support Training

  • Most of our trainers have over 20 years of in field experience

  • We have worked with:
    - Automotive Dealers
    - Agricultural Dealers
    - Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers
    -Large and Small Business Owners

  • Is a continuous year to year program

  • We focus on process development and enhancements

  • We will build a customized action plan for your dealership

  • Improve interdepartmental teamwork and demonstrate the value of working together as a cohesive unit vs. separate departments

  • Get service technician buy-in to assist with new processes

  • Design processes to improve your profits

How does Edge work…..
  • Initial 1 week on-site comprehensive review of your Product Support Departments

  • Interviews with management and staff to gain understanding of your processes and procedures

  • Formulate a 12 month customized action plan

  • Monthly progress review calls

  • One week on-site trainings, twice a year

  • Monthly progress emails will be sent to the entire management staff for review

  • Management and staff will have unlimited access to WB Global Team via phone or email

Topics depend on your priorities…these may include
  • Ways to reduce WIP

  • Centralization of processes

  • How to improve gross margin

  • Improve teamwork

  • Reduce technician down-time and improve RO throughput

  • Decrease lost tech time searching for special tools

  • Technician incentive plans

  • Service/Parts Manager incentives

  • Faster time for parts procurement to the shop

  • Improve core retention process

  • Write a Policy & Procedure manual

  • Share Best Practices with all locations

  • Increase parts sales to the shop

Contact us today for pricing.

We believe so strongly in our services, that we have a money back guarantee.  If we cannot improve your gross margin dollars by more than 200% of our fee, we will refund 100% of our fee. 

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